There is a file int eh REFPROP/MIXTURE folder labled R401A.MIX C3H8Tables = twoPhaseFluidTables([-195,800],[0.00001,10],50,50,150, 'Propane' , 'C:\Program Files (x86)\REFPROP' ) works.


Welcome to REFPROP CAPE-OPEN. Welcome to REFPROP CAPE-OPEN. This program provides a CAPE-OPEN versions 1.0 and 1.1 interface to NIST's REFPROP application. For this program to work, a separate installation of NIST's REFPROP version 8 or later must be present on your system. For more information about REFPROP, see the NIST web site. What CAPE-OPEN?

It implements three models for the thermodynamic properties of pure fluids: equations of state explicit in Helmholtz energy, the modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state, and an extended corresponding states (ECS) model. Mixture calculations 2014-12-11 The substance can be a pure fluid such as R-134a or a predefined mixture such as R-404a, a ternary mixture of R-125, R-143a, and R-134a. The database can be REFPROP, an industry standard developed by NIST, or the open-source CoolProp. The tables are stored in fluidTables as a structure array. 2019-02-24 REFPROP is based on the most accurate pure fluid and mixture models currently available. It implements three models for the thermodynamic properties of pure fluids: equations of state explicit in Helmholtz energy, the modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation of state, and an extended corresponding states (ECS) model. Mixture calculations 2017-08-04 For a mixture, it contains the names of the constituents in the mixture separated by semicolons or asterisks.

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Mixture calculations You need few files. which you can download from Refprop files -Link : Google driv t5 = 6+273; %in kelvin. p5 = refpropm ('P','T',t5,'Q',1,'r407c.mix'); h5 = refpropm ('H','T',t5,'P',p5,'r407c.mix'); s5 = refpropm ('S','T',t5,'P',p5,'r407c.mix'); but i got some error, said that; Error using refpropm (line 267) [SETUP error 101] error in opening file for component #-22; filename = (C:\Program Files. (x86)\REFPROP\fluids\c12.fld). i dont why the matlab trying to open fluid's folder, i mean i was trying with mixture, but why it's not opening the mixture folder? The substance can be a pure fluid such as R-134a or a predefined mixture such as R-404a, a ternary mixture of R-125, R-143a, and R-134a. The database can be REFPROP, an industry standard developed by NIST, or the open-source CoolProp.

The tables are stored in fluidTables as a structure array.

There is a file int eh REFPROP/MIXTURE folder labled R401A.MIX. C3H8Tables = twoPhaseFluidTables ( [-195,800], [0.00001,10],50,50,150,'Propane','C:\Program Files (x86)\REFPROP') works. The file PROPANE.FLD is found and calculations are performed. Matlab 2019a on Windows 10. Sign in to answer this question.

Mixture calculations 2014-12-11 The substance can be a pure fluid such as R-134a or a predefined mixture such as R-404a, a ternary mixture of R-125, R-143a, and R-134a. The database can be REFPROP, an industry standard developed by NIST, or the open-source CoolProp. The tables are stored in fluidTables as a structure array.

Matlab refprop mixture

matlab -r MATLABBuilder.m. So I downloaded coolprop-code from and compile the matlab wrapper present on that distribution. By doing that, I did compile the old 4.2.6 coolprop version. I understand that mixture syntax is not available in such an old version. The not working matlab instruction in case of 4.2.6 wrapper is:

r417a r417a r417a 物性参数精准计算美国国家标准局refprop模型 R417A Try to upload the Matlab and Refprop to latest version, I used 10. 98 user  2020年9月23日 MATLAB中文论坛MATLAB 基础讨论板块发表的帖子:MATLAB调用refprop物性 参数。MATLAB调用refprop时,有部分工质不存在fluids,和mixtures文件里,有大 佬有比较新的refprop软件工质较多的嘛. generates highly accurate pure component and mixture properties. ( thermodynamic, transport as a toolbox in MATLAB.

See below for what binary pairs are included in CoolProp.
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Matlab refprop mixture

REFPROP, and therefore the REFPROPFlowStation, runs fast if the composition is set to a pure fluid or a pseudo-pure fluid. However, execution speed slows when composition comprises multiple fluids, whether set via a predefined mixture file (".mix" extension) or defined manually via the FlowStation comp attribute. how to use refprop with mixtures.

All the pure fluids in REFPROP are used just like the CoolProp fluids except that “REFPROP-” is added at the beginning of the fluid name.
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The initial versions of REFPROP provided (sometimes preliminary) data to allow screening studies of possible replacements for the CFC and HCFC refrigerants. As more and better data on the “new” refrigerants have become available, we have continually updated the program to implement the most accurate pure fluid and mixture models available.

2018-07-09 2016-03-22 Using REFPROP Subroutine in MATLAB.